Thursday 21 April 2016

OUGD505 - Brief 02 - Research - Inglorious Fruit & Veg

This is a very interesting project that I came across that tackles the issue of the food waste in quite an unconventional way. Ugly produce is not something you would instantly associate with food waste issues, but it is one of the largest contributing factors.We are so used to going to the supermarket and buying aesthetically pleasing produce, we take it for granted. We don't even consider how the produce was grown, selected and transported to the supermarket. Wonky produce is starting to appear in more and more food shops in the UK which is a positive thing, but there is still a lacking of awareness of this aspect of our food waste epidemic. This visual campaign tackles this issue head on in a very aesthetically pleasing way, which I really appreciate.  

To fight against food waste, Intermarché, the 3rd largest supermarkets chain in France, decided to sell (30% cheaper) the non-calibrated and imperfect fruits and vegetables: “the inglorious fruits and vegetables”.

Intermarché launched a massive global campaign to rehabilitate and glorify them, with print, billboards, TV, radio, PR, and Intermarché’s catalogues and social media platforms. The stores were rebranded “inglorious”, from floor to ceiling, and finally, for people to realize that they were just as good as the others, Intermarché designed and distributed inglorious vegetables soups and inglorious fruit juices.


This initiative is a complete success because it’s a win-win-win campaign : consumers get the same quality products for cheaper, the growers get money for products that are usually thrown away and Intermarché increase its business by selling a brand new line of products. The following figures are there to prove it.

Inglorious fruit and Vegetables

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