Thursday 5 November 2015

OUGD504 - Dealing With Feedback Workshop

Feedback can manifest its self in a number of ways. The most widely used form is informal feedback, which is often difficult to record or document. Informal feedback takes form through conversations in passing with peers and non creatives, communication on social media, questions and answer sessions, critique sessions that aren't organised formally and so on.

The best way of dealing with this form of feedback is to write it down in short hand or note form, and to always question the feedback. It is not mandatory to just accept the feedback at face value, questioning others opinions will always elevate you and take the work to new levels.

Formal feedback takes its form through end of module evaluations, written summative/formative feedback from tutors, one on one tutorials with tutors. This feedback is thoroughly documented and logically organised. It is easy to read back and understand as it is written using formal language.

Task: Find two level 04 module assessment feedback forms and consider the learning outcomes/tutor comments carefully in order to identify strengths and areas for development in future work. Discuss the best ways of using this advice in your current studies. Below are module assessment feedback forms from OUGD401 and OUGD406:

This feedback form was Context of Practice last year. This was one of my highest achieving modules, I was really proud of my overall mark and I feel that I produced some really exciting work throughout this module. When I received this formal feedback, I read it carefully and thoroughly to see where I needed to improve for the second year COP programme.  The positive feedback that I got was that my practical work was very well informed and was clearly underpinned by an extensive body of relevant research. To quote "Your work demonstrates an excellent awareness of the complex relations between theory and practice" This feedback filled me with confidence. In the tutors comments section, a point was made that my analytical/academic writing skills needs improving. I had a tenancy to make assumptions and reply too much on personal viewpoints and opinions rather than making informed readings. I demonstrated a good understanding of post-modernism as a broad topic but need to maintain objectivity in academic writing and remain in the third person consistently. 

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