Tuesday 28 April 2015

OUGD406 - Brief 04 - Final Printed Products

I am very pleased with my final printed works for this brief. I feel that I really utilized the feedback I received in the crit sessions and used it to really push and develop my ideas from the inception of my initial concept, which was of course, 'keep it fresh, fresher'. I am really pleased with the overall look of the advise booklets, I feel they make a statement and hopefully the freshers will be able to relate to the tips and want to keep the booklets for reference later on in the course. I am planning to print a large number of the booklets in monochrome using the studio printers when I return to start second year and distribute them out amongst the fresher, as this was the intended purpose behind the work.

I think as a body of work it is successful. I am glad that I didn't abandon the posters, because I have discovered on this course that my passions lay equally in poster design as well as editorial and layout design. That is why I did both, to demonstrate that throughout the year as a fresher you need to follow your passions and really push yourself in terms of the research and work you produce. 

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